What to do if you feel you are having a bad day?

You feel shitty about yourself (more than usual). Why? No apparent reason. But is that true?


Start with your day… how it started… where things went wrong?

Nothing…. other than usual shortcomings… those that need a routine to make amends… In short – No new problems so far.    

You have a day ahead and guess what it is a Workday. Now you get even more anxious on how will it all pan out?

You give yourself a pep talk, to keep on a serious face, talk less [more like gossip less], finish your tasks one by one and MOVE… etc.

But an event highlighting your shortcomings is presented before you. So… what you do next… You start defending yourself only to realize that you have become that person who always makes blunders- # ‘Blunder Women’.

You start spiraling south into your depressive flashbacks (for real).

But did you forget that you do have to keep on working… No, you can’t, because you still got it and you start to move forward only to realize – You really suck in all aspects of your work/life and your pile of blunders keep on increasing.

When does this cease? Not really, it doesn’t, for we are humans and are bound to make mistakes.

And before you go to ‘that place of escape’ where you think I need to study hard, get out of here, move out for good, and be a better version of myself. THINK WHAT YOU HAVE DONE TILL NOW i.e., EVALUATE ONLY TODAY.

  • Is the situation really that bad.
  • What mistakes have I made – only today. Plan on how to rectify them, only them.
  • Distance yourself/keep your thoughts to yourself and use your actions and not words. Just keep going.
  • Yes, you have to prove to your peers/colleagues but now is not the time to overcompensate.
  • Neutral chi and control are the key.
  • Start feeling better about yourself, for you have come this far.

P.S.    That place of escape does exist. So, keep preparing on the side to reach there. Not as backup but as your primary goal.


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