The 2 Cs

       This one has its share of self-praise, postings and suturing… The golden rule of omission helped me from straying away and focus on the gist.

Having said that,

       Last few days of my casualty posting: the one where I am supposed to learn basic skills- MLCs, I.V. lines, ECGs, sutures…

Well, the latter seemed impossible to me.


  1. You see, you learn. [Doesn’t  work like that when you are left-handed].
  2. Watching/taking sutures is sort of a luxury, when your job is to only manage the casualty. (i.e., assign patients to their dept. of management).

         So, on 2nd last day, armed with necessary instruments I am all set to pierce a hole through an already torn pinna of a patient (his stars must had been really angry on him) and let’s say… it (the single stitch) got fixed, with help, which was enough for me to get buried in my misery more than before.

      So, here’s how consistency plays its part…

Though learning to deliver a baby is yet not up my sleeve but I did learn to take episiotomy sutures, every day, for the past 15 days.

So gone is the person who was filled with thoughts of self-doubt of how and will I be able… etc. and here I am passing these doors of casualty to minor O.T. with my head up and with some new thoughts-

  • Let’s see [self-assurance].
  • I have to do it [confidence].

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